Policy for Handling and Investigation of Complaints:
All complaints will be dealt with quickly and effectively between the individuals concerned and any grievances will be promptly remedied.
Complaints of unprofessional conduct against a doctor will be referred to the General Medical Council.
Procedure for Handling of Complaints:
Please email [email protected] with any complaint. The matter will be investigated as rapidly as possible and positive action will be undertaken, including an apology if this is merited. If the matter should take longer to resolve, a written answer will be given within 20 working days.
If the matter remains unresolved, please write to the Independent Doctor’s Federation and the IDF Complaints Manager will undertake an independent review and discuss the outcome with you within 20 working days:
The IDF Complaints Manager, The Independent Doctor’s Federation, 11 Chandos Street, London W1G 9EB
If the IDF cannot resolve the issue then a formal complaint can be taken to the Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service (ISCAS).